MAC Responds to Recent News Articles

As many of you may have saw in the news this past week, investigators are examining potential Medicaid fraud among a small group autism service providers. The Minnesota Department of Human Services currently has 15 active investigations aimed at ensuring every dollar spent on therapy and services for individuals on the autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is properly accounted for.

MAC and many other reputable ASD providers are not part of this investigation. While these allegations are alarming, they are also targeted at a very small group. Since protecting the most vulnerable persons is of paramount concern, it is important to view the investigations in the larger context of autism in the state of Minnesota.

According to Minnesota DHS, there are roughly 250 licensed Early Intensive Developmental and Behavioral Intervention (EIDBI) providers.

MAC is one of the largest providers of evidence-based, research-backed, individualized therapies for children and adolescents with ASD. We have long advocated for Minnesota to adopt more oversight and regulations for autism therapy providers. As an organization, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of care and have sought out our own rigorous protocols and accreditations. MAC encourages continuous feedback from all the families we serve and require parents/guardians to be active participants in care plans for the children receiving services.

The quality assurance efforts we prioritize are seamlessly implemented into our services. They guarantee every MAC learner has the opportunity to reach their full potential. It is our hope that through every action, protocol, and accreditation we layer, we elevate the standards for all Minnesota ASD therapy providers.


  • We are nationally accredited through The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL)
    • MAC sought and received accreditation in 2023 after a rigorous and thorough review of current organizational standards, systems, and practices. Accreditation demonstrates our commitment and adherence to established benchmarks and best practices. It fosters continuous improvement through feedback mechanisms and regular assessments.
  • We employ over 120 licensed, registered, or certified professionals
    • They include Qualified Supervising Professionals (QSPs), Speech and Language Pathologists (SPLs), Occupational Therapists (OTs), and Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), and Level 1 Providers. MAC also employs more than 20 Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs), in addition to having an on staff Registered Nurse (RN). Together, these groups of extraordinary professionals take a transdisciplinary approach to create trauma-informed, holistic care plans for each person we serve. They offer care through our centers, in-home, via telehealth, and at community partner locations.
  • We incorporate Safety-Care Behavioral Safety Training into our everyday routines
    • Safety care is a crisis prevention training course. It focuses on how to prevent behavioral challenges, de-escalate early, and manage behaviors safely. The curriculum is founded upon evidence-based research. We believe this approach offers our staff and those we serve with the best strategies to manage behavior. Safety-Care is consistent with our goal to maintain a comfortable, happy, and safe learning environment. The program meets or exceeds the accreditation standards outlined by CARF, JCAHO, COA and other agencies concerned with quality care.
  • We conduct monthly peer-review audits of our learners’ care plans
    • By reviewing processes and outputs, these audits identify areas for improvement, mitigate risks by detecting errors, inconsistencies, or non-compliance early on, which helps in maintaining regulatory requirements and operational standards. This also promotes accountability among team members and instills confidence in stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to excellence and transparency.
  • We enlist a Positive Outcome Support Team (POST) to offer extra assistance to MAC’s core care teams
    • POST is a multi-disciplinary team consisting of professionals from various backgrounds, including Behavioral Analysts, Diagnosticians, SPLs, OTs, QSPs, and RN. The team aids in problem-solving, managing challenging behaviors, reviewing and supporting instances of restrictive procedures, addressing lack of progress, providing training, and overseeing and reviewing discharges from MAC. POST will consult with external experts as needed and involves every learners’ family in this process as well.
  • We prioritize accuracy in our billing and credentialing processes through regular audits
    • MAC conducts monthly eligibility checks for clients, confirm proper credentialing for staff, and verify authorization for services. We coordinate with clinical teams to ensure timely submission of notes for medical necessity. Additionally, we review billing and coding practices, conduct audits of documentation, and provide frequent trainings and updates to staff on best practices.
  • We are a member of ATAMn (Autism Treatment Association of Minnesota)
    • ATAMn is an advocacy organization of ASD therapy providers working to ensure high quality, research supported systems to help those with autism. Through our membership at ATAMn, MAC supported the passage of the behavior analysis licensing bill.
  • We partner with innovative and respected outside organizations
    • MAC enthusiastically participates in collaborative partnerships with other organizations with a shared goal of enhancing the quality of services and support provided to individuals with ASD, their families, and the community. Through these partnerships we can further our mission of promoting positive outcomes and fostering a supportive environment for all those we serve. Some organizations we currently or have recently partner with include Carlson Consulting Enterprise, Cadre, One Vision, and Islands of Brilliance.

In 2023, MAC impacted the lives of 545 children with ASD and their families through the services we offer. Currently, our waitlist for services is over 550 children. Furthermore, the Minnesota-Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (MN-ADDM) reports that 1 in 34 (3.0%) of 8-year-old children in Minnesota have been identified with ASD. That is a significant increase from the 2018 numbers of 1 in 44. These numbers are a clear demonstration for a need in quality EIDBI providers in Minnesota. MAC is committed to leading by example.

If you have any questions regarding our therapy services, protocols, accreditations, or simply would like to learn more regarding our work, please visit our website at MNAUTISM.ORG.

About MAC
Minnesota Autism Center (MAC) provides therapeutic services to children and adolescents between the ages of 18 months to 21 years who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Services are offered through our centers, in home, via telehealth, or at our community partner locations. It is our vision that everyone with autism reaches their full potential and our mission to improve the lives of the people in our care. MAC utilizes several evidenced-based therapeutic modalities to develop individualized treatment plans and group learning experiences delivered in a 1:1 ratio or group learning setting with a team of mental and behavioral health professionals. In 2023, MAC impacted the lives of 545 children with ASD and their families through the services we offer. For more information about MAC please visit or call us at 952-767-4200.

Make an Impact Today!

1 in 34 children in Minnesota are diagnosed with autism. Your gift to MAC Midwest provides vital support and creates brighter futures for these kids and their families.